abbr. 技术细则手册(Manual of Engineering Instructions);金属工程学会(Metals Engineering Institute)
n Japanese ornamental tree with fragrant white or pink blossoms and small yellow fruits
1. mei... I need to know what happened to my family.
梅 我要知道 我的家人发生了什么
2. Hey, you know mei hit them when they're on the ropes.
你知道我 有机会不玩白不玩
3. I appreciate y'all being here for mei gotta go.
你们都为我赶来 我很感激 但我必须走了
4. Haec quotiescumque feceritis, in mei memoriam facietis.
你們要為紀念我 而舉行此事
5. mei developed a very serious spinal infection when she was four months old.
梅四个月大的时候 出现了非常严重的脊髓感染