a. 人种间的, 人种混合的
s. between races
s. involving or composed of different races
1. That means no more talk of an interracial bill.
2. Look, we know you don't like interracial marriages.
听着 我知道你不喜欢跨人种婚姻
3. On the surface, it's an interracial story set in a postracial world.
表面上 这是个后种族歧视时代的种族间故事
4. Don't be corrupting my son with your interracial, bisexual funny business.
别用你们黑白混搭 双性恋的勾当来腐蚀我儿子
5. Come on now, it's 2013. interracial relationships is not a big deal.
拜托 现在是2014年 黑白配没什么大不了的
6. Malcolm, it's 2013. interracial relationships are nota big deal anymore.
马科姆 现在是2013年了黑白配 已经没什么大不了的
7. I cannot believe that those posers just oked us on the unspoken, interracial, prison couple power ranking.
我不敢相信那两个装腔作势的家伙 竟然在监狱里的跨种族情侣排名上 碾压我们
8. Okay, look, II totally understand, but refusing her is the same as refusing marginalized people, like an interracial couple or a gay couple.
听我说 我完全理解 但拒绝她 就等同于 拒绝边缘化族群 比如跨种族 或是同志伴侣