n. circumcise的变形
n. One who performs circumcision.
1. A circumcision is not a lifealtering scenario.
2. Whether or not to circumcise our baby.
3. I would love to explore all of this with you, but I have a circumcision to perform.
我也希望能和你們一起探討 但是我有一個割禮要做
4. Well, um, you said he was circumcised.
嗯 你说过他 环切过
5. Besides the fact that her hu and's circumcised.
除了她丈夫做过 手术就没了
6. He's even half circumcised, which is our way.
也是切一半 跟我們一樣
7. Same reason you don't tell a baby he's about to be circumcised.
就跟你不告诉婴儿 他要被割掉 的原因一样
8. You shouldn't have gotten that stupid circumcision, man.
你不该去做那个割 的破手术的 兄弟
9. I spent my last dollar on my circumcision.
最后的一点钱都花在割 上了
10. Dom won't go down on me 'cause I'm not circumcised.
小多不愿意给我 因为我没割