n. 庆祝, 祭祀, 节日
vt. 宴请, 招待
n. an elaborate party (often outdoors)
1. I've got to get on those decorations for the fete.
2. They're hosting an engagement fête for us tomorrow.
3. I was intrigued when I heard of your little fête de faillite.
当我听说 你举办这场小义卖集会时 我很有兴趣
4. How to plan, execute and carry through a successful garden fete.
如何策划 实施及举办成功的公园义卖会
5. I... cherish them, fete them, and my wife does... untold kindnesses you'll never see.
我珍惜他们 款待他们 我的妻子更是默默做了数不清的善事
6. I thought it was all village fetes and marrying the girl next door.
我曾以为生活不过是 乡村游园会 还有迎娶邻家女孩
7. A fiesta, a fete, a festive gathering of kind folks who are relieved and grateful that you're back.
召集所有善良 对你的归来感到松了口气 并且心怀感激之人的一个大盛会
8. J'ai vraiment à de faire la fête, je veux aller danser.
我要去参加宴会 我想去跳舞
9. Pas de fête, pas de dîner d'adieu à ton petit copain.
没有聚会 没有和小男朋友的浪漫晚餐
10. I'll be goddamned if we're not gonna fete our beautiful daughter, huh, back where she belongs, top girl, leading her squad to states.
如果在我美丽女儿回归她本来的位置后 我还不盛情宴请一番 那我要糟天谴了 她站在顶端 带领她的队伍冲击州赛