vt. 使中立, 使成中立地带, 使中和, 抵销
vi. 中立化, 变无效, 中和
v. make politically neutral and thus inoffensive
v. make ineffective by counterbalancing the effect of
v. get rid of (someone who may be a threat) by killing
v. make incapable of military action
1. Now, it's interesting that others, some others, who favor the idea of neutrality argued, not in favor of restricting marriage to a man and a woman, nor in favor of permitting same sex marriage, they argued in the name of neutrality, for a third possibility.
现在 有趣的是 一些支持中立的人 对婚姻的态度 是既不支持异性婚姻 也不反对同性婚姻的人 他们以中立的名义 提出第三种可能
2. But the court seemed to realize that the liberal case, the neutral case, for recognizing same sex marriage doesn't succeed, doesn't get you all the way to that position, because if it were only a matter of respect for individual autonomy, if government were truly neutral on the moral worth of voluntary intimate relationships, then it should adopt a different policy.
但是法庭似乎也认识到 自由主义观点 中立主义观点 无助于正确认识同性婚姻问题 并不能让你正确看待这一问题 因为如果这只是尊重 人身自由的问题 如果政府对自发性 亲密关系是否道德这一问题真的持中立态度 那么它应该采用不同的政策
3. She was a threat and I was neutralizing it.
4. If you push it down once, you're in neutral.
如果你往下拨这个一次 就是空挡
5. So that's why they hired you: neutral party.
这就是他们雇用你的原因 你们是中立方
6. That's why I understand the temptation of neutrality.
7. But it was destroyed, so we had no artifact to neutralize.
但它已经被毁了 所以没法中和
8. No. It's a neutral view of the accident.
是啊 这只是中立地描绘意外现场
9. Professionally, he's a threat to be neutralized.
专业角度上看 他是一个需要控制的威胁
10. I have to remain a neutral observer.