a. 坏脾气的
s brusque and surly and forbidding
1. I'm complaining, but I'm a bit of a curmudgeon.
我要抱怨 我脾气有点不好
2. Oh, come on, stop being a curmudgeon.
得了 别这么阴阳怪气的
3. You're a dour curmudgeon with a scorpion sting.
4. That's some enlightened thinking for an old curmudgeon like yourself.
对于你这个老顽固来说 能这么想可真够开明的
5. Grandmother is a curmudgeon, but, uh, she will come around.
我祖母脾气不好 但她会想通的
6. I know you're a curmudgeon, but I also know your romantic heart.
我知道脾气坏 但其实内心浪漫
7. You'll need a maverick, a bythebook rookie, and a curmudgeonly veteran one week from retirement.
你们需要唱反调的人 照本宣科的新人 还有一个差一周就退休的抠门老手