a. 有些破的, 有些参差不齐的, 有些刺耳的
1. 'cause I told the truth about their raggedy asses.
2. Nothing raggedy ass about this group of civilians, sir.
我们不是什么民间破烂蠢队 长官
3. And I'll get out your raggedy ann lamp, and then then we can eat.
把你的布娃娃灯摆上 收拾完就可以开饭了
4. See it didn't take much for your raggedy ass to settle in.
看来让你 搬进来不费什么劲啊
5. Don't give me those big, wet eyes, raggedy man.
别朝我水汪汪地眨巴眼睛 邋遢男
6. Killing isn't exciting unless he's walking that raggedy edge of being caught.
光是杀人不够 除非是险些被抓