a. 月经的, 一月一次的, 每月的
[医] 月经的
a. of or relating to menstruation or the menses
1. That, and a few drops of my menstrual blood.
那样 再加几滴我的月经血
2. They must have menstrual cycles lined up.
3. I had to cover my menstrual blood so they couldn't see.
4. I can even see where he is in his menstrual cycle.
5. Uni, bi, tri, menstrual, all cycles are dumb.
独轮 两轮 三轮 月经周期[轮] 带轮的东西都很蠢
6. That would explain your morning sickness and late menstrual cycle.
怪不得引起了晨吐 和例假延迟
7. Uh, it helps regulate the female menstrual cycle.
8. Remembering your mom's menstrual cycle is not a top priority.
生理周期可不在我的 首要记忆事项表上
9. It's this ending of the the menstrual cycle in a woman's life that we call menopause.
这个时候女性会出现绝经 我们称之为更年期
10. And there's this pill that's been developed for irregular menstrual cycles that actually functions as birth control.
有人发明了治疗月经周期不规则的药片 却可以用来避孕