a. 空载的
a. (of weapons) not charged with ammunition
1. I can't bear to be there when he unloads on her.
2. Have them unload it. I'll be by later. I'm gonna be there.
先卸货 我一会儿就到 我会去的
3. You'll have to get out while we unload for inspection.
抱歉 你们要先出来 我们要卸车检查
4. I'm sorry for unloading on you like that.
5. I mean, I know I shouldn't be unloading on you.
6. Keep your heels down so he don't unload you.
脚跟向下 这样它就不会把你甩下来
7. And we have more assets unloading as we speak.
8. The bombers can't see where to unload.
9. I just stood there, as they unloaded on me.
我就站在那里 任由他们侮辱我
10. 'cause I have to... unload the weapon.
因为我得 我得先缴个械