a. 该死的, 完全的, 十足的, 讨厌的
s used as expletives
s expletives used informally as intensifiers
r extremely
1. goddamn timetraveling robots covering up their goddamn tracks.
该死的穿越时空的机器人 还隐藏了所有行迹
2. The only chance that I have for any kind of legacy and not be a goddamn ghost is to have a goddamn kid.
我能留下任何一点遗赠 不做个 孤魂野鬼的唯一机会 就是生个孩子
3. But you couldn't keep a simple goddamn secret from your simple goddamn wife.
你就连向你头脑简单的妻子保守秘密 这么简单的事都做不到
4. I've got to learn my goddamned lines and take my goddamned medication.
我還得去揹我那些煩人的臺詞 吃煩人的藥呢
5. 'cause he couldn't turn his goddamn head just to see his goddamn wife.
因为他不能转过他那该死的头 去看看自己那该死的妻子
6. Then we stand out from all the goddamn freeswinging arms that seem to be the goddamn fashion these days.
那样我们才跟现在特流行的 自由甩臂一族区分开
7. The only thing that you can charge me with is trying to make a goddamn living in this goddamn city.
唯一你可以指控我的就是 在这座该死的城市里苟活着
8. I don't get down there soon, this goddamn ship's gonna stop in the middle of the goddamn ocean.
我不快点下去的话 这破船就要停在 大海中间了
9. I'm not gonna pay someone 500 goddamn dollars to make a new key for my own goddamn car.
我才不会花 500块 让人给我的车打一把新钥匙
10. goddamn it, the father should be here.
见鬼 作父亲的应该在这儿