n. 失败主义
n. acceptance of the inevitability of defeat
1. I've defeated you time and time again, I've defeated you.
我一次次擊敗你們 徹底打敗過你們
2. It is true, I may not be able to defeat all of you, but I can defeat one of you.
没错 也许我不能 你们所有人 但我一定能 其中之一
3. Perhaps. I mean, I know I can't defeat him, but I can make sure he doesn't defeat us.
也许吧 我知道我没法打败他 但我能确保他也打败不了我们
4. With me, you have a chance to defeat her.
跟我一起 你还有一线机会赢她
5. You must do the same if you are to defeat them.
如果你们想打败他们 也必须接受同样的训练
6. On this day, I would not be defeated.
在这一天 我不能被打败
7. That must have been how she defeated me.
8. I cannot be defeated by the likes of you.
9. Prepared as we think we are, we're defeated.
我们自以为成竹在胸 结果却一败涂地
10. I defeated a landoctopus with a pike.