n. 破裂, 突发, 爆发
v. 爆裂, 突发, 充满
[计] 二进制位组; 字符组; 脉冲串
n. a sudden flurry of activity (often for no obvious reason)
v. come open suddenly and violently, as if from internal pressure
v. move suddenly, energetically, or violently
v. emerge suddenly
1. Sustained tachycardia? In bursts, but those bursts are getting really high.
持續性心動過速嗎 陣發性 但發作頻率越來越高了
2. I burst a bunch of tyres and now mine's burst randomly for no reason at all.
我打爆了别人的轮胎 现在我的轮胎无缘无故爆了
3. I had a... hemorrhoid, and it burst.
我得了 痔瘡 然后破了
4. I... I told you, I... my pipes burst.
我... 我告诉过你了 我水管爆了
5. All we need is a burst of electricity.
6. Before you went there, you were bursting with creativity.
去那之前 你充满了创造力
7. That's what you need burst of acceleration.
你就需要这个 突然加速
8. And when it was so bloated, she might burst open.
她的肚子灌满水 简直要炸开了
9. I'm sorry to burst in like this, but I'm in trouble.
很抱歉就这个闯进来了 但我遇上麻烦了
10. No offense. I'm just bursting your balls.
瞧见没 这是我在打爆你的蛋[挖苦你]