n. 推翻, 瓦解, 倾覆
vt. 打倒, 推翻, 倾覆
n. the termination of a ruler or institution (especially by force)
v. cause the downfall of; of rulers
1. He can't have forgotten how you tried to overthrow him.
他决不会忘记你当年阴谋 他
2. I am not trying to overthrow my government.
我不是要 我的國家政府
3. He believed I plotted to overthrow him, but he misjudged me.
他认为我有意谋反 可他想错了
4. Both of us were trying to overthrow our occupiers.
我們都想 占領我們領地的人
5. Can't have a revolution without somebody to overthrow.
没有人去 哪里来的革命呢
6. Help me overthrow him before he becomes too strong.
帮我 他 别让他羽翼丰满起来
7. It is enough that his people conspire to overthrow me.
他们企图阴谋 我 这已经够了
8. His foolish ideas of overthrowing the system.
9. I was the one planning to overthrow cowen.
本来是我准备 Cowen的