n. 虚弱, 病身, 疾病
[医] 衰弱
n. the state of being weak in health or body (especially from old age)
1. Why are you pointing a gun at me? I'm infirm.
你拿枪指着 嘛 我都快死了
2. We're talking about elderly and infirm people here.
3. This room was for elderly or infirm men.
4. The ladies here, often they are elderly and they are infirm.
这里的女士 常常是老人和体弱之人
5. They'd put all their elderly, their infirm, up into a tree, and they would shake it.
他们会把长者 年老体衰的人送到树上 然后摇晃着树
6. Your heavenly powers overcome sickness and infirmity.
7. Plead old age. infirmity. I don't know my offence.
用您的年老虚弱感动他 不知我何罪之有
8. Turn her righteous glance onto this infirm girl.
our Lord Christ. May He grant her the abolition of the disease...
9. Gypsies and homosexuals, the dimwitted, infirm, and defective everywhere we look.
吉普赛人 还有同性恋 笨蛋和懦夫 各种下等人比比皆是
10. Contemplate the sundry ways a society handles its elderly and infirm.
思考一下 不同社会对待老弱病残的不同方式