n. 代用品
n. an artificial or inferior substitute or imitation
s. artificial and inferior
1. As ersatz interactive pop experiences go, that was fantastic.
这个人工的流行音乐互动体验 相当有趣
2. Just 'cause I'm not really into the ersatz food thing.
3. ersatz stuff in general is pretty dubious, is kinda my take on that.
大多人造食物都是对人体有害的 反正我是这样觉得
4. One of the archival projects is to sort, catalogue and segregate the genuine from the ersatz.
档案工程就包括分拣 分类 和分开 分辨真假
5. Not a dummy. It's an ersatz skeleton made from glass and reinforced nylon, which breaks exactly like human bone.
不是假人 这是个用玻璃和强化尼龙制作的 人造骨骼 跟人类骨骼的断裂方式完全一样