a. 任性的, 难以捉摸的, 不稳定的, 刚愎的
[法] 顽强的, 任性的, 不规则的
s resistant to guidance or discipline
1. I hired you because you're waywards, and one of the ways I like to give back is by being a beacon with waywards.
我雇你们是因为你们刚愎自用 我回报社会的方法就是 给刚愎自用的人指路
2. The other is more of a wayward soul, an artist.
另一个则天马行空 是个艺术家
3. We sweep these valleys for any wayward homesteaders.
4. You get the money, the pictures, and your wayward boy.
钱 照片 犯上的逆贼 都是你们的
5. Yes, when I had to motivate you to find your wayward son.
沒錯 因為我要讓你去找你任性的兒子
6. My wayward pupil has done something I did not foresee.
7. This used to be a boarding house for wayward women.
8. Jack is dead, the victim of a wayward city bus.
Jack 死于一辆失控公交的事故
9. Wozniak has the rest of us birddogging some wayward dealers.
沃兹尼亚克要我们去监视 几个不守规矩的毒贩
10. A wayward timber in the path, and we found ourselves at sixes and sevens.
一根黑松木挡在路中间 然后我们就都跌下马车不省人事了