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  • 分类:知识学习
  • 更新时间:2025-01-04
  • 发布时间:2025-01-01 05:48:34


a. 感激的;有责任的;必须的

v force somebody to do something
v bind by an obligation; cause to be indebted
v provide a service or favor for someone
s under a moral obligation to do something


1. The communitarian argues that construing all obligations as either natural duties or voluntary obligations fails to capture obligations of membership or solidarity.

社群主义者称将所有责任解释为 天生义务或自发性义务的其中一种 都无法涵盖成员责任或团体责任

2. I'm with them, but I'm not obligated to them.

我和他们在一起 但是又不属于他们

3. My biggest concern with the idea of having obligations because you're a member of something or because of solidarity is that it seems that if you accept those obligations as being sort of morally binding, then there is a greater occurrence of overlapping obligations a greater occurrence of good versus good.

我对由于身处某个团体或是因为某个团体 而需要承担某些责任这个观点最大的疑虑是 如果你同意这些责任 是某种道德约束 那就更有可能发生责任重叠的情况 更可能出现善与善相冲突的情况

4. I might also say that I should be obligated first to the most specific of my obligations.

我也可以说我该先尽到 最特定的某个责任

5. It seems rather arbitrary that we should choose the universal obligation over the more specific obligation.

让我们优先选择普遍责任 而非特定义务太过武断

6. And with that comes a sense of obligation, an obligation that might distract him from the ones he already has.

随之而来的就是一种责任感 这种责任感可能会让他 从已有的责任中分心

7. But you can get so tied up in your obligations you forget your biggest obligation is to your future self.

但是你被责任所累 而忘了你最大的责任是对自己的未来

8. And an obligation to whatever force or power giving him that gift, had an obligation to pursue his career, pursue his passion.

上天赐予他天赋 他有责任利用他的天赋 去成就事业 实现梦想

