n. 玩忽职守, 旷课
[法] 旷学, 旷职, 玩忽职守
n. failure to attend (especially school)
1. He's been detained for murder, not truancy.
他因谋杀被拘留 不是逃课这种小事
2. A truancy officer came to the house.
3. She was prone to petty theft and truancy.
犯些小偷小盗 偶尔旷课逃学
4. Don't want the powersthatbe catching on to my lunchtime truancy vibes.
我可不想吃完太兴奋 然后导致午餐时逃学
5. truancy, grudges, the hypocrisy of high school administrators.
旷课 记仇 高中行政人员的虚伪
6. Some were put into foster care after their moms died, runaways, truancy, not good.
有一些孩子在母亲死后被送往寄养家庭 有的出走 逃学 情况都不好
7. My daughter joined the protest to speak her mind, and now she's facing truancy court.
我女儿加入 是为了表达想法 现在她却面临逃学审查
8. Uh, I don't know which girl you mean, but the truancy cops just raided this bitch.
我不知道你是說哪一個女孩 不過逃學突襲警察剛剛來 把孩子都帶走了
9. Because I keep having to ditch class to get to my shift and now I've got this truancy officer keeping tabs on me.
因为我得一直翘课 才能去轮班 现在劝学官一直盯着我
10. He had a history of truancy, petty theft, domestic disturbances, all of which landed him in the juvenile hall for some stints during high school, as you can imagine.
他以前逃学 偷窃 家暴 他高中时学校为了省事 把他送进了少年感化院 你们懂的