当前位置: 知识学习 > punting怎么读,punting是什么意思,punting的用法和例句


  • 分类:知识学习
  • 更新时间:2025-01-04
  • 发布时间:2024-12-31 23:46:01


n. 撑篙;踢空中球

n (football) a kick in which the football is dropped from the hands and kicked before it touches the ground
v kick the ball
v propel with a pole
v place a bet on


1. If this doesn't work, we'll punt her to behavior.

如果没用 就踢给行为部门

2. And the ferry, it was just two punts.

所谓渡船 其实只是两艘平底船

3. Everybody knows you punt on fourth down.


4. I saw you, and I thought I'd take a punt.

我看到你 觉得我该赌一把

5. Closed that laundromat stabbing you punted to us.


6. This is a all, furry object suitable for punting.

这是个小毛绒物体 非常适合一脚踹飞

7. It's like you knew I was gonna do a fake punt. I did.

感觉你好像知道我要假踢 是啊

8. And all because the locals have warned me that my little punt can't cope with the river.

因为当地人警告过我 我的平底船无法应付汹涌的河流

9. And the differentiated impact here suggests a punt or dimple at the base.

而这里的冲击形态有变化 说明凶器底部平坦或略凹进去

10. There have been too many times since we've reconnected that you've punted this conversation.

我们重逢之后 你总是想挑起这个话题

