a. 根据推定的, 假定的, 预期的
[医] 推定的, 预期的
s. having a reasonable basis for belief or acceptance
s. affording reasonable grounds for belief or acceptance
1. I'm entitled to rebut that laughable presumption.
我有权利 这项可笑的猜测
2. Thy son I killed for his presumption.
3. They shall have wars and pay for their presumption.
他们要出兵迎战 为他们的狂妄付出代价
4. Yeah, it's not a presumption about you liking rap.
是的 不是猜你喜欢说唱音乐
5. Not if it means he's going to battle with the presumptive nominee.
你可是潜在候选人 他不会轻易跟你翻脸
6. He's entitled to the presumption of innocence until proven otherwise.
暂时先假设他是无辜的 直到他被证明有罪
7. And he should be afforded the same presumption of innocence as anyone else.
他理应得到与其他人一样的 先做无罪推定
8. Ross, your arrogance, your presumption that this concerns none but yourself.
罗斯 你好自大 你认为这只关乎到你自己
9. I should have considered it too great a presumption even to think of him but for you.
我早该想到 他会喜欢我而不是你 是个太离谱的假设了
10. But that's actually our own bias putting forth a false presumption.
但那其实是我们的偏颇 提出了错误的假设