adv. 很少地, 罕有地
r. not often
1. And they're rarely wrong, but also rarely completely right.
而且一般不会错 但也很少全对
2. I am sorry, corp an, but while moombas are rare, they are hardly rare enough for me.
抱歉 看护兵 孟巴很稀有 即使对我来说也非常稀有
3. Kerry cattle are about half the size of normal cows and they're rare, very rare.
凯里郡的牛只有正常牛的一半大 它们很稀有 非常稀有
4. Don't forget everyone has their own past, and their own way of seeing it and rarely rarely is it the same for anyone.
别忘了 每个人都有过去 和自己对过去的看法 很少有人 看法是相同的
5. My specialty is rare blood diseases, although you rarely get anything exotic all the way up here.
我的专长就是研究罕见的血液疾病 不过北极这地方很少能有什么稀奇东西
6. People rarely left, rarely got rich, never got out of their lot in life.
人们很少离开 很少变富 一辈子就窝在那方小小的天地里
7. People with macgregor's are extremely rare, and people with macgregor's and a degree in computer science are even more rare.
患麦克格瑞格综合症的人极少 患有此综合症 有计算机学位的人更少见
8. Which is very rare and very expensive.
9. I've rarely thought about what I once...was.
10. This ought to be easy, but it rarely is.
應該很簡單 但通常很麻煩