n. 抗凝作用
n. the administration of an anticoagulant drug to retard coagulation of the blood
1. Then we'll start anticoagulants and reimage you.
然后我们会输凝血剂 之后再做核磁共振
2. Other than in medicines, anticoagulants are found in rodenticides.
除了药品外 灭鼠药中也含有抗凝剂
3. He needs an anticoagulant to stop the seizures.
4. It's an anticoagulant for people with congenital heart defects.
5. My exam showed they both consumed some type of anticoagulant.
检测报告分析显示他们体内 都有某种抗凝剂
6. We need to take her off the anticoagulants that means off the machine.
我们需要给她停掉 抗凝血剂 就是意味着 停掉机器
7. I remember dissecting some rats that had been given anticoagulant poison.
我记得解剖过一些 喂了抗凝毒药的老鼠
8. We need to make sure the blade is coated with an anticoagulant.
9. Because most rat poisons are anticoagulants, which explains why our vic hemorrhaged out of all of her orifices.
因为大多数老鼠药都是抗凝血性的 所以我们的受害者会七窍
10. It is an extremely difficult surgery, but I could avoid using the anticoagulant that would harm the baby.
这个手术难度极高 但我能避免使用对宝宝 有害的抗凝血剂