[计] 无屏蔽, 中断屏蔽
n the exposure of an impostor or a fraud
v reveal the true nature of
v take the mask off
1. They're about to unmask a celebrity we don't know.
2. I think I'm gonna unmask you first, lizard.
我先把你的面具摘下来 蜥蜴
3. She may have unmasked the very man who sought to take our city.
她或许揭露了那个要夺走 我们城市的人
4. Anya's last communique said she was close to unmasking him.
安雅最后一次報告 說她就快揭開那個人的真面目了
5. This is precisely the sort of cheap mummery I strive to unmask.
6. They were able to unmask you as the site's administrator and ping your location.
他们找出了你这个网站管理员的真实身份 并定位到了你的地址
7. A big difference is that etomidate unmasks adrenal insufficiencies.
最大的区别是依托咪酯会暴露出 肾上腺机能不全
8. Like the world we unmasked, we will find our true selves again.
就像被我们摘除了面具的世界 我们将再次找到真实的自我
9. We're using his wrist monitor to unmask the timing of his body clock.
我们利用他的腕表监控器 来揭露他的生物节律
10. I thought about unmasking a woman who, for all of her flaws, is at least trying to be a hero.
我考虑过曝光一个尽管有种种不是 但至少还在努力做英雄的女人的身份