abbr. 空气资源委员会(Air Resources Board);航空注册局(Air Registration Board);航空研究局(Air Pesearch Bureau)
n someone who engages in arbitrage (who purchases securities in one market for immediate resale in another in the hope of profiting from the price differential)
1. We get the stability of a convert arb plus the multiplier effect of using those inefficient options.
我们能保留可转换债券套利的稳定性 还有使用那些非效率期权的乘数效应
2. Winston and the quant team have a huge stat arb opportunity that I'm gonna have to leave on the table if we don't lock in leverage by end of week.
温斯顿和量化团队有一个巨大的统计套利机会 如果周末前我们无法锁定杠杆率 我就得放弃这个机会