n. 不可分离性
n. The quality or state of being inseparable;
1. They've been inseparable since they were in diapers.
2. You were inseparable, but I wanted to play, too.
你们俩难分难舍 但我也想一起玩
3. My brother and me, inseparable when we were your age.
我和我弟弟 在你们这年纪时可以说形影不离
4. He thinks you and I are more inseparable than ever.
5. We were inseparable, especially after my mom bailed.
我们形影不离 特别是在我妈妈走之后
6. Um, they've been inseparable since you left.
7. We were inseparable, just like you guys.
我们密不可分 就像你们一样
8. The 3 of you have been inseparable since I met you.
从我认识你们起 你们三个就形影不离
9. As the years passed, they became inseparable.
一年年过去了 她们变得不可分离
10. I mean, you and your sister, you used to be inseparable.
你和你妹妹 曾经密不可分