vt. 使断奶, 使丢弃, 使断念
n. 小儿
v. gradually deprive (infants and young mammals) of mother's milk
v. detach the affections of
1. With or without weans, that's what we are.
不管有没有孩子 我们都是
2. You've said she has to go when she's weaned.
3. We're a family with or without weans.
不管有没有孩子 我们都是一家人
4. You go to all these lengths to have a wean.
5. Are they? I think you're weaning us off you.
是吗 我认为你在慢慢甩掉我们
6. We wean you off it without getting you hammered.
我们会帮你戒掉酒瘾 不会把你灌醉的
7. Once he's stronger, we'll try to wean him off everything.
等他长大一点 我们会移除所有辅助器械
8. wean him off the vent and page me when he's awake.
关掉机械通气 等他醒了就呼我
9. They're weaning her sedation and should extubate soon.
他们在减小她镇静剂的剂量 应该不久就能拔管
10. You just... you have to say that to yourselves to wean yourself off the relationship.
你总...你得把这话说给自己听 来斩断自己对婚姻的念想