a. 被蹂躏的, 受压制的
s. abused or oppressed by people in power
1. And not all of them in that downtrodden place.
2. I think we're about to be the downtrodden.
3. You've always been a hero to the downtrodden.
4. Yes, he's always been a champion of the downtrodden.
是啊 他向来为受压迫的一方出头
5. I'm here fighting on behalf of the downtrodden and the disenfranchised.
我来这里是代表受压迫 和被剥夺权利的人 为他们争取机会
6. But the irony in this case is that the mainstream, humanity, are the downtrodden.
但讽刺的是 目前的主流 人类 才是被压迫的一方
7. So, I see you went to go work for the downtrodden, after all.
8. I've heard there are a lot of unspirited, downtrodden men.
9. He related and identified with them the downtrodden and the underprivileged and denied.
人们认同他代表着那些 被压迫的 社会地位低下的和被否认的人
10. In every corner of the galaxy, the downtrodden and oppressed know our symbol, and they put their hope in it.
在银河系的每个角落 受蹂躏与压迫者都知道我们的符号 他们将希望寄托于我们