a. 可公度的, 可通约的, 有公度的, 相应的, 相称的
s. capable of being measured by a common standard
1. There's no gift commensurate with what you guys did.
2. These women deserve reparations commensurate with their suffering.
这些妇女应该得到与她们遭受的痛苦 相当的赔偿
3. A second habitat would have to be commensurate with the lifestyle to which she's become accustomed.
第二个栖息地应该与她适应的 生活方式一样
4. He was a deacon in our organization and had various obligations commensurate to that position.
他是我们组织的执事 要负责与这个职位相应的多种职责
5. But unlike this fine establishment, we don't always ask for commensurate collateral.
但不像这家机构 我们不要求相当的抵押品
6. And during the same period, the number of potentially worldending events has risen at a commensurate rate.
同一段时期里 可能引发世界末日的事件数量 也在同时上升
7. Youyou don't have a vote yet, but your salary is as we agreed, and your bonus will be commensurate to your performance.
mȻ]ͶƱ нˮ ҂֮ǰfõĪ ҕF
8. Of course, there will be a raise in wage commensurate with your new standing, which I expect may come useful for young sweethearts perhaps considering their own home and, well, to your future.
当然 配合你的新职位 你的工资也会上涨 我想这对或许在考虑自己成家的 年轻恋人会大有益处 敬你的未来