a. 有某种或几种刃的
s. having a specified kind of border or edge
s. having a cutting edge or especially an edge or edges as specified; often used in combination
1. That was our edge, and our edge is gone.
那曾是我们的优势 现在已经没有了
2. It's just in that edge, just...push me to the edge.
真的已经到那个地步了 孩子们不断地在挑战我的极限
3. I combine the human edge with the quant edge.
4. Just because it's really important for our brand that we're not only on the cutting edge, but we are the cutting edge.
因為這對我們的公司很重要 我們不僅要走在時代前沿 我們就是前沿
5. I just need to get an edge and then when you've got an edge, it peels off quite nicely.
我只要先夹到膜的边缘 夹到之后 就很好剥落了
6. Holden, in the book, he has this dream, and in the dream, he's standing at the edge of a cliff, and he's catching all these children before they can run off the edge.
书中的霍顿 有一个梦想 他的梦想里 他站在悬崖边上 他会及时接住所有奔向悬崖边上的孩子们
7. Imagine at the moment that this meteor slammed into our planet, it was so huge that if one edge of it was touching our planet, the outer edge of it would be at the same altitude as a commercial jet liner flies today.
想象一下陨石撞上我们地球的那一刻 面积之大 以至于一边接触我们的地球 另一边则像现在的 商务喷气式客机在同一高度盘旋
8. Right foot sinks low to a flat edge, left foot steps through to an edge, right foot back steps really high so you can sag your weight around the corner without having to swing.
右脚踩住一条平边 左脚跟上踩住另一条棱边 右脚收回来用力抬高 这样就能在岩角上支撑住身体 而不用荡过去了
9. Then the edge, we did stitching here.
边缘 边缘是缝合连接的
10. But there's a limit to that, and you are on the very edge.
但挑战是有极限的 而你正在极限边缘