a. 火的, 似火的, 火成的
a. produced under conditions involving intense heat; especially from molten magma"
a. produced by the action of fire or intense heat
1. And its beam, it penetrates the igneous rock of ignorance.
它的光芒能够穿透 无知的火山岩
2. My concern would be not so much the heat as the possibility of igneous layers over the shale deposits.
我倒不是很担心高温 而是担心页岩沉积层上 有火成岩层的可能
3. Biblical, igneous, jagged, hateful, pointy, ninja rocks, and that's not gonna happen again.
圣经中那种炽热粗糙 可憎尖锐的忍者石 不会再重蹈覆辙了
4. Our most recent experiences with the igneous rock were more than adequately handled with the new diaphragmoperated bypass valve drill bit.
我们有关火成岩层的最新经验是 使用膜片旁通阀钻头 足以应对