当前位置: 知识学习 > vein怎么读,vein是什么意思,vein的用法和例句


  • 分类:知识学习
  • 更新时间:2025-01-01
  • 发布时间:2024-12-28 19:49:38

音标: 英 [veɪn] 美 [ven]

n. 血管, 静脉, 纹理, 气质, 情绪
vt. 使有脉络, 像脉络般分布于

n. a blood vessel that carries blood from the capillaries toward the heart
n. a distinctive style or manner
n. any of the vascular bundles or ribs that form the branching framework of conducting and supporting tissues in a leaf or other plant organ
n. a layer of ore between layers of rock


1. We could've done a vein patch or a saphenous vein graft.


2. the portal vein and the hepatic vein will flow as one.


3. You get varicose veins causing blood to accumulate and swell the veins.

患静脉曲张是 导致血液堆积引起血管膨胀隆起

4. It could have traveled down the jugular vein, into the brachiocephalic vein and on to the superior vena cava.

它可能从颈静脉 一直流向头臂静脉 进入上腔静脉

5. So this message, "they died in vein," spelled vein, that's not just a homonym mistake, it's a clue.

这条留言"她们死不溟目" 写的是"溟" 这不是写错了同音异义词 而是线索

6. Look at that fantastic stuffvaricose vein gel then apply the gel to painful varicose veins twice a day.

这好东西就是静脉曲张凝胶 然后每天两次涂抹在静脉曲张的疼痛处

7. Get me a vein retrieval kit and start prepping the left lower leg for saphenous vein harvest.

给我静脉摘取工具 给左小腿做好准备摘取大隐静脉

8. tapping the same vein over and over again.


9. And here you are, pumping it into your vein.


10. It was the veins in my arms that told me.


