a. 富有的, 丰裕的, 充分的
s having an abundant supply of money or possessions of value
1. wealthy son of a wealthy man takes to the sea to prove something to the parents, presumably.
显赫家族的优秀后人走向海洋 或许是为了向父母证明些什么
2. This is the most we've ever had, and the most wealthy.
这次乘客人数最多 也最富有
3. She is very wealthy, but she has a problem.
她很有钱 但她也有困扰
4. He's a very wealthy buffoon and he worships you.
他是个非常富有的小丑 并且崇拜你
5. Now, lucky for you, you're very wealthy.
现在 幸运的是你很有钱
6. I'm very, very wealthy. I'm a rich guy.
我很有钱 我是个有钱人
7. This was a gift from a very wealthy friend.
8. He was whitewigged, he was wealthy dressed.
他戴着白假发 衣着光鲜
9. They are already being sold to the most wealthy.
10. I was referred to you by a wealthy family.