n. 纺纱
[化] 纺丝
n. creating thread
1. Appreciate the spin. It's not spin.
谢谢给我台阶下 这不是为你开脱
2. And yet, the world keeps spinning, and spinning, and spinning, and one day it stops.
不久前 地球还在不停地转啊转 突然有一天 它就不转了
3. And we're tapping and we're spinning and we're spinning and we're tapping.
踢一下脚呀转一个身 转一个身呀再踢一下脚呀
4. One side spins you up, the other spins you down.
一边的人捧你 另一边的人踩你
5. If the star is spinning clockwise, the planet is spinning anticlockwise.
如果恒星是顺时针旋转 行星就逆时针旋转
6. I hit him, someone hits us, and we just kept spinning and spinning.
我就撞上了他 有人又撞上了我们 然后车就一直转啊转
7. Oh, so, uh... so you went from aa room that was spinning to a room for spinning.
所以你从天旋地转的房间 改成去一个轮胎旋转的房间
8. Did you hear that? It'sit's like a computer where the wheel just keeps spinning and spinning.
你听到了吗 它就像个电脑 齿轮在不停地旋转
9. A neutron spins like a little top and has an axis of spin that points in a particular direction.
一个中子像个小陀螺那样旋转 并且有一个指向特定方向的自旋轴
10. Arby's is running its 5 for 5 special, then I may overdo it and get the meat spins and by meat spins, I mean bloody diarrhea.
阿贝兹有特惠活动 那我可能会吃多 不停不停地吃 然后腹泻拉血