a. 前置词的, 介词的
a. of or relating to or formed with a preposition
1. I did not learn what a preposition was that day.
2. Penny ended a sentence with a preposition.
3. The lesson was on prepositions, so strap yourselves in for this story.
這堂課講的是介詞 所以你們要做好準備
4. Well, you can't end a sentence with a preposition, so clearly, not grammar.
你不能把介词放在句子的结尾 所以你比我厉害的肯定不是语法
5. The inability to recall prepositions in an effort to assess the situation.
想不起来介词 想了解具体情况
6. The inability to recall prepositions is a common symptom of aphasia.
想不起来介词 就是失语症的一个常见症状
7. Like, I really I really wanted to know what a preposition was.
我是真的 真的很想知道介詞是什麼
8. Well, it's pedantic to insist, but one shouldn't end one's sentences with prepositions.
这样强调很迂腐 但不能用介词来作为句子的结尾
9. It's so strange, earlier today I ended a sentence with a preposition and you weren't there to correct my grammar.
有件事很奇怪 今天早先我用介词结尾了一个句子 而你却不在我身边纠正我语法