a. 可守的, 站得住(脚)的, 合理的, 成立的
s. based on sound reasoning or evidence
1. Your position in this administration is no longer tenable.
2. That school vouchers could ever be tenable for this community is nothing more than a flight of fancy down a carrollian rabbit hole.
要让教育券制度在这个社区站住脚 无异于异想天开想进入 爱丽丝漫游仙境里的兔子洞
3. She couldn't solve it by herself but she had to try and create some hope and some inspiration for kids in community that were living on a daily basis with a level of fear and trauma that is tenable, that's unacceptable. It's not right.
她无法自己解决这个问题 但她必须要努力为社区的孩子 创造希望并鼓舞人心 那些孩子每天斗生活在恐惧和创伤之中 这不可行 不能接受 世界不该这样