a. 可耻的, 不名誉的, 下流的
s (used of conduct or character) deserving or bringing disgrace or shame
1. If you lose, you'll leave this building in ignominy.
如果你败了 你将会耻辱地离开这里
2. I can assure you, your death will not be so ignominious.
我向你保证 你绝不会死得如此耻辱
3. You brave men did not deserve to languish in such ignominy.
4. Please save us both the ignominy of my rifling your room.
给彼此留点体面 省得我搜你房间
5. You've allowed a pack of lesser witches to buffalo you into this ignominious end.
你放任那些比你弱的女巫乱你心智 选择这种不光彩的死法
6. Well, he'd be spared any physical suffering and also the ignominy of being a useless eater.
他将不必再承受身体的折磨 也不必因只能白吃饭而感到丢人
7. I'll probably be banished to my own basement office, consigned to a life of ridicule and ignominy.
我可能会被赶回自己的地下办公室 然后在嘲讽中度过悲惨的一生
8. I'm sorry! I'm sorry! and so much joyous glory, appears to have ended ignominiously here tonight.
对不起 对不起 璀璨辉煌 似乎要在今晚划上一个不光彩的句号