正规陆军(美国), (英国)皇家艺术学会, 常备军, 正规军
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n. ancient Egyptian sun god with the head of a hawk; a universal creator; he merged with the god Amen as Amen-Ra to become the king of the gods
1. RA's told me that the confusion would pass.
2. RA's is a title greater than any one man.
3. RA's demands that we return this man to his friends.
拉斯要求把这个人带回去 跟他的朋友们关到一起
4. RA's has a particular code of honor he feels I've violated.
拉斯认为我违背了他的 一条荣誉准则
5. RA's right. I'm bouncing out. I got an appointment anyway.
小拉说得没错 我要走了 约了人
6. RA's owned this house for as long as this city has existed.
7. RA saw that and made up a religion for you based on love.
拉看到了 为你们创造了一个基于爱的宗教
8. RA's killed that innocent little boy, and he's gonna pay for it.
雷霄杀了那个无辜的小男孩 他会付出代价的
9. RA's plans to release the virus at four points across the city.
10. There is aa legendary alchemical mixture aa potion, as it were called the tears of RA.
有一种传说中的 炼金术混合物 应该叫一种药剂 叫做拉神之泪