n. one who is the object of choice; who is given preference
n. the name for Korea as a Japanese province (1910-1945)
n. an exclusive group of people
1. You would have chosen for him better than he has chosen for himself.
你为他选择的 比他自己选择的好得多
2. I attend committees that I haven't chosen because they've chosen me.
我参加我没想参加的委员会 因为他们选上了我
3. I know that you have been chosen to tell the truth to that panel, and I'm telling you that I have been chosen to help you do that.
我知道你被選中 去把真相告訴調查小組 我也告訴你 我被選中來幫你做這件事
4. So we need you to get close to your fellow recruits, figure out who may be chosen, and, if you can, get chosen yourself.
你们得接近同期学员 查出谁可能会被选中 如果可以 让自己被选中
5. You are here because you were vetted and chosen.
你们之所以在这里 是因为你们都通过审查 被选中了
6. And that's why they've chosen a bride for him.
7. It isn't the life I would have chosen for you.
8. She couldn't be. If she was chosen, she wouldn't have survived.
不可能 如果她被选中了 就不会活下来
9. You have been there because we have chosen to keep you there.
你能有今天 就是因为我们选择了你
10. All of you we've chosen because of your discipline.