n. 支票
v. withdraw money by writing a check
1. All the cheques have been made out to his wife.
2. He would have worked for anybody who would write him a cheque.
谁给他钱 他就替谁办事
3. The good news is you split the cheque.
4. Jos sends me a cheque as regular as clockwork.
乔斯和往常一样 寄支票寄得非常准时
5. I think she'll just write you a blank cheque.
6. It's only a week before I go and there's that all matter of my cheque.
再过一周我就要走了 还有件小事 就是我的支票
7. Ah, the counterfoils, for the credit card and the cheques.
这是票根 信用卡和支票的
8. I just received a cheque, for 15.32 pound.
9. Just bigger pay cheques and better women.
区别只是你会有更多的钱 泡更棒的妞
10. Yeah, well, don't come crying to me when he cleans out your travellers cheques.
等他把你们的旅行支票洗劫一空 可别找我哭鼻子