a. 语法的, 合乎语法的
[法] 语法上的, 符合语法规则的, 文法上的
a. of or pertaining to grammar
a. conforming to the rules of grammar or usage accepted by native speakers
1. Ooh, that is as cruel as it is grammatical.
又狠又毒 文法又标准无误
2. Uh, something's either grammatical or it's not.
3. grammatically correct in the depths of despair, I'm impressed.
这么忧伤还用这么复杂的语法 佩服佩服
4. you may or may not be aware of it, but there were two grammatical errors.
不知道你发现没有 你有两处语法错误
5. If you know it's grammatically incorrect, it's okay to say it that way.
知道语法有问题 就可以这么说嘛
6. Herbie and I, we just we fixed a couple of grammatical errors, that's all.
我和赫比 我們就修改了一些 語法錯誤 就這樣
7. That's particular syntax, unique grammatical structure, perhaps denoting a cultural significance.
好特别的语法 好独特的结构 或许有什么文化重要性
8. It makes outrageous assumptions about the narrative, it completely misinterprets the hero's journey, and is loaded with grammatical errors.
对叙述的假设荒谬至极 完全误读了英雄的事迹 而且全篇都是语法错误
9. My interest going in was really to understand the earliest stages of language formation, and the typical development stages in language, a child will go from babbling to using single words usually as a complete request and descriptions, and then from that they will start what's called the twoword stage where they'll put two words together like "more milk" and from that, very quickly more complex grammatical structures emerge.
我的兴趣在于了解 语言形成的最初阶段 以及语言发展的几个典型阶段 从孩子牙牙学语到使用单个的词语 通常是一个简单的请求或描述 接下来就会进入所谓的"双词阶段" 两个词语一起使用 比如"更多牛奶" 之后更复杂的语法结构就会快速形成