n. 松柏目植物, 针叶树
n. any gymnospermous tree or shrub bearing cones
1. The gentleman who was cutting his conifer trees with a chainsaw.
2. We are at the crash site a canyon, steep sides, wooded, large conifers.
我們在墜機點 在峽谷的陡峭面 被一 針葉樹包圍
3. And so that day, I said that I would help guide others the way that conifer had guided us, and here I am.
就从那天起 我决定了也要指引别人 就像那棵松树指引我们一样 于是我从事了这个职业
4. So, the wood sample that you sent to me from the scrapings from the wine cellar floor came from a deciduous conifer called the larch tree.
你寄给我的 从酒窖地板上找到的木削 来自落叶针叶树 名叫日本落叶松
5. And we were in trouble, and that's when this giant conifer tree leaned over and began to speak to us told us to follow the valley downhill, turn right at the weeping boulder, and that would take us to the road right by our ski lodge.
我们当时面临很大麻烦 于是一棵巨大的松树俯下身来 开始跟我们说话 告诉我们沿着山谷下山 在哭泣的巨石处右转 然后就可以回到我们滑雪旅馆旁的路上了