n. 燕麦饼
n. a flat bread made of oat or barley flour; common in New England and Scotland
1. The men's strength is dwindling on a bannock a day.
2. I think we can find you something tastier than bannocks.
3. try and get them to make as many bannocks as possible today.
4. At least ye'll be able to serve decent bannocks at my wake.
5. The wonder is how she manages to bake bannocks such as these with the poor ovens we have in the kitchens.
她好在能用我们厨房里的那些破烤炉 做出这些美味的烤饼
6. The bannocks should last a day or two, and the cheese will keep for a week.
燕麦饼能吃一两天 奶酪可以吃一周
7. Jenny, he was only trying to help the boy out, and clean clothes and bannocks aren't going to stop the boy from being beaten.
珍妮 他只是想帮助那个男孩 干净的衣服和薄饼并不能阻止 那个男孩被打