n. 生存能力, 发育能力
[医] [生]活[能]力, 生机
n. (of living things) capable of normal growth and development
n. capable of being done in a practical and useful way
1. It's fairly straightforward it's a viability appraisal.
写得很明白了 这是份可行性评估
2. They judge this contest on viability in the marketplace.
3. Defining viability is not an exact science.
4. it would demonstrate to the slave communities the viability of our enterprise.
就能向奴隶们证明 我们计划的可行度
5. If successful, it would allow the twins to reach viability.
如果成功 可以让双胞胎存活下来
6. The way I see it, the real issue is viability.
在我看来 关键点是生存能力
7. to determine its viability within the moral principles of this company.
之后再决定它的可行性 但不能违背这个公司的道德底线
8. All I want is for you to provide expert testimony on the viability of her claim.
我只希望你能提供专家证词 关于她所提出申诉是否站得住脚
9. viability keeps changing as medical science improves.
随着医学的进步 胎儿的生存能力也在不断变化
10. I'm guessing 20 minutes before that limb loses viability.
我猜再过二十分钟 那条断肢就失去活力了