v. 将(小说或事件)改编成剧本( dramatize的过去式和过去分词 ); 使(事情)戏剧化, 夸张
v put into dramatic form
v represent something in a dramatic manner
v add details to
1. Stop being dramatic. I'm not being dramatic.
别这么多戏 我才没有多戏
2. What you are about to witness is two creatures who are inherently dramatic attempt to behave like they are not dramatic.
接下来你们将看到的是 两个天生喜欢小题大做的人 尝试着表现得 一点都不夸张
3. And then the later paintings seem to be in more grand places, a venue where a few people would have gathered, somewhere more dramatic that sounds more dramatic.
后来的一些壁画位于看上去大一点的地方 可能是一群人聚集的一个会场 地方更大 声音也更丰富
4. You know I have a flair for the dramatic.
5. So this is my dramatic Iscrewedup music.
6. Absolutely. It would have been a dramatic time for them.
没错 那是个动荡不安的时代
7. I'm being as dramatic as my daughter now.
8. Well, there's nothing as dramatic as that here.
9. I've been doing a dramatic rendering of that problem.
10. Just that it was complicated and you were being dramatic.
只是说事情有点复杂 你有点小题大做