[医] 维生素A醇, 维生素A1, 瑞叮醇, 松香油
n an unsaturated alcohol that occurs in marine fish-liver oils and is synthesized biologically from carotene
1. Products containing retinol range in price from £6 to over £60, but the price doesn't always reflect the concentration, so look for the percentage of retinol on the package.
含有维生素A的产品价格 从六英镑到六十多英镑不等 但价格并不总能体现出维生素A的含量 因此需要从包装上寻找
2. Let your skin get used to that and then build up to a 1% retinol.
让你的肌肤适应 然后将维生素A含量提升到百分之一
3. But that sun cream and retinol will keep our skin looking younger.
但防晒霜和维生素A 能使你的肌肤看起来更年轻
4. So I would say, look for a product that has got a minimum of 0.1% retinol in it.
我建议 先买一种维生素A含量为 百分之零点一的产品
5. I think if you really want something that works, that tackles wrinkles and ageing, it's sun cream and retinol.
我认为如果你真的需要能够有效 解决皱纹和衰老的东西 那就是防晒霜和维生素A
6. There is some evidence for other overthecounter antiwrinkle ingredients, such as peptides, but the strongest body of proof by far is for retinols, a weaker form of prescriptionstrength tretinoin.
有些证据也表明 其它非处方抗皱成分 例如肽类也有效果 但目前为止维生素A类产品的被证实最有效 这是种比处方药维A酸效果稍弱的产品