n. 果断的人
a. 坚决的, 刚毅的, 毅然的
a. firm in purpose or belief; characterized by firmness and determination
1. 射电天文计划首席科学家 one with another, who has the highest resolution, so we have a digital camera with the highest ever resolution.
尤里·科瓦列夫教授 这一台和那一台 谁的分辨率最高 我们这一台数码相机 有迄今为止最高的分辨率
2. Be it with resolution, then, to fight.
如果您执意留下 那就下定决心战斗
3. But it was too dark, and the resolution was too low.
但天太黑了 而且视频分辨率太低
4. Anita and I could mediate a resolution for you both here.
5. These images are not of a sufficient resolution.
6. And it's an even higher resolution than you hoped for.
7. I wanted a resolution and I got one.
我想要得到解決 現在有了
8. Your honor, I believe we have a resolution in this case.
法官大人 我们对本案有决议了
9. Ambassadors, I need you to withdraw the resolution.
各位大使 我需要你们撤回决议案
10. We are withdrawing support of the peacekeeping resolution.