adv. 平滑地;灵巧地;熟练地
r with superficial plausibility
1. The slick of blood that comes from this is just,like, pouring out of the net in this massive slick, and you would have thought in this ocean it would have attracted hundreds of sharks, but I didn't see a single one, not one shark.
涌出来的血简直像是... 一大股血网中涌出来 你本以为 这么多血在海里 应该引来大群鲨鱼了 可是一条也没见到
2. is that, until it clots, it's as slick as oil.
3. He is a slick sale an, I'll give you that.
4. I can't remember what or where but it had slick tyres.
记不清是什么车 在哪里开的 但车子有配光头胎
5. It's slick, it's sleazy, but it's fun.
这里下流奸诈 但很有趣
6. The radio was in my belt buckle, slick.
无线电在我的皮带扣里 聪明蛋
7. Don't know what's more slick your mouth or your ride.
不知道你的嘴和你的车 哪个更灵巧
8. Well, then, you got a problem, slick.
那你可有麻烦了 聪明鬼
9. Women are slick about hiding their dirt.
10. Slick as melted shit, the lot of them.