a. 充满...的, 满座的, 挤得满满的, 压坚实的, 塞满了...的, 挤满了人的, 拥挤的
[计] 压缩的, 装配的
s. pressed together or compressed
1. I'm a pack guy, and you are my pack now.
我是重视家族的人 你就是我的家人
2. Pack your things or we will pack them for you.
收拾好行李 不然我们替你收拾
3. Pack for a day's travel, and pack warmly.
准备一天的旅行物品 要暖和点的
4. They say run, we run, they say pack, we pack.
他们说跑 我们就跑 他们说整理行装 我们就整理行装
5. The strength of the pack is the wolf, but the strength of the wolf is the pack.
狼群的力量来自 每一匹狼 但是狼的力量来自于族群
6. You know, they're usually pack animals, but sometimes a wolf gets separated from its pack.
狼通常是群居动物 但有时有些狼会和狼群走散
7. then there's packs of nuns and packs of rabbis going all around the city tonight doing scenes.
还有修女组和犹太教祭司组 跑遍全城 玩快闪
8. See, the wolves are pack animals, so the alpha, or leader, leaves scat for the rest of the pack to follow.
狼是群居动物 所以狼头领 会留下粪便 好让其余狼跟随
9. For that you get a rocketpowered seat, a survival pack which equips you for every eventuality and, most importantly, a parachute, carefully packed to ensure that getting out of the aircraft alive isn't the last thing you do.
除了装有火箭发动机的座椅 和为突发事件准备的救生包 最重要的是备好降落伞 才能保证在你跳机后的 生命安全
10. When were all together again, when we were a pack.
当我们再次团结在一起时 当我们是一个族群时