vi. 冒泡, 沸腾
vt. 使煮沸, 使浸透
n. 翻腾
v. be in an agitated emotional state
v. foam as if boiling
v. boil vigorously
1. You are seething with existential paranoia as it is.
2. There had never been that seething mass of frustration and anger.
3. This office is a seething cauldron of civil service jealousy and resentment.
这个办公室就是 充满了公务员嫉妒与憎恨的大熔炉
4. Together with the stylisation of line, these pictures seethe with fantastic animation.
除了以线条为风格外 画中的无限活力 喷薄欲出
5. I guess I'm supposed to just sit here, unloved, by a seething ball of negativity.
难道我就该坐在这里 孤独地看着你对我不管不问吗
6. And I am going to try to stay calm, because seething rage is never good for a fetus.
我尽量保持冷静 因为发飙对胎儿不好
7. Well, I'm not currently seething with hatred every waking moment of the day, so we're kind of at an alltime high.
我现在没有每分每秒 都对他心怀怨恨 这已经算是我们最好的状态了