n. 床头板
n. a vertical board or panel forming the head of a bedstead
1. She nailed his hands to the headboard, too.
2. So anything that this headboard does against that wall, is no biggie.
所以床头和墙之间有什么动静 都不会影响我
3. Helps that they nail the headboard to the wall.
4. I want the drawers under the bed checked, these two headboards.
床底下那两个柜子需要检查一下 还有这两个床头架
5. We're gonna grab the headboard and make it sound like we're having sex.
我们要用力晃床头板 假装我们在爱爱
6. I was so petrified that I was gonna wake all of youse up because it kept bangin' against the headboard.
我特别害怕 怕把你们吵醒 因为操得床头板一直晃
7. Hu and had knife slashes all over his chest and arms, was roped to the headboard by the neck.
丈夫的胸口和手臂上有多处刀伤 脖子被绑在床头处
8. Next thing you know, you're pregnant with his sperm and he's sanding down your headboard shirtless.
下一步就是 你怀上了他的种 你们在床上翻云覆雨
9. Then, see if you can get me to bang my head against the headboard and cum all over the bed.
然后 就看你能不能让我的头猛撞床头板 到满床都是
10. And this umbrella, he puts on the headboards of the good children so they will dream wonderful stories all the night through.
他用这把伞罩住好孩子的床头 这些孩子就会美梦连连 直到天亮